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Not again.

Markers, red cellophane.


Alter ego



Emergency blanket collages with acrylic paint.

Go straight long enough you’ll end up where you were. Spaceships don’t come equipped with rearview mirrors.
Don’t think about it too much. Lyin on my side and I’m wonderin.


Roscoe finds a diamond!

I welded Roscoe together with love and scrap parts from my high school automotive shop class. His portrait is in charcoal.


Experiments in flubber art


Skate and snowboard decks.

Hey Mickey!—hand-painted skate deck, donated to benefit for local skate parks.
Half a million thoughts—design commissioned by Freelife Snowboards.
Wake up—hand-painted kids’ snowboard, just for fun.


Sculpture, installation, and found object interventions.

Goochy—found object intervention. Visual interpretation of Brian Eno’s “Jungles”.
Madagascar multimedia sculpture puzzle. Board shorts transformed into Caprisun pouch/makeup bag.
Never smile at a crocodile—paper sculpture.


Amazon shipwreck

Origami, fire, household objects.


Graphite and watercolor pencils on bristol.

Make a point to make no sense. Beach chicken in space. Make it count.